March 2025.

Below is the finals structure for all IWHJCA competitions.
U10 – 2 week finals – Top 4 (15th & 22nd March) 1st v 4th, 2nd v 3rd
U11 – 3 week finals – Top 8 (8th, 15th & 22nd March) 1st v 8th, 2nd v 7th, 3rd v 6th, 4th v 5th
U12 – 2 week finals – Top 4 (15th & 22nd March) 1st v 4th, 2nd v 3rd
U13 – 2 week finals – Top 4 (15th & 22nd March) 1st v 4th, 2nd v 3th
U15 – 2 week finals – Top 4 (15th & 22nd March) 1st v 4th, 2nd v 3th
All Grand Finals will be played on Saturday 22nd March.
All finals fixtures will be published within PlayHQ once the regular rounds are completed and the final ladder positions can be determined.
Finals Eligibility
As per the IWH By-Laws “to be eligible to play for semi-finals and final competition round matches in the Stage 1 to Stage 3 Competition, a player must have either participated (either batting and/or bowling) in a minimum of four competition matches with the team contesting the premiership or have contested a minimum of five lower age group matches for the same club."
Please ensure these are looked at by all coaches and managers prior to the start of the finals. Finals dispensations are essential for any player who does not fit this category.
Note: Sixers Cricket League summer competitions utilise a different structure, whereby all teams play a 'final' - regardless of where they finish on the ladder - on the weekend of 22nd / 23rd March.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.